Oplev spændende musikere fra Københavns talentmasse, når Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium (RMC) inviterer til gratis 1. års-kandidatkoncerter på ALICE. OBS: Koncerten er gratis og det er ikke muligt at reservere plads. Der er et begrænset antal pladser til hver koncert på grund af retningslinjerne for spillesteder som følge af situationen med Covid-19.
Morten Poulsen
Morten Poulsen is a danish sound artist, composer and underwater drummer. After pursuing his passion for rhythms into a career as a drummer in jazz and improvised music, he destroyed his drum set in a performative act in 2014, signaling a turning point in his practice.
Morten has since shifted focus to sonic arts and is currently interested in sound and sonic practice as a method to explore intersubjective relations and sociopolitical topics. His works often challenge conventional formats, taking form as a mix of installation, concert and performance and explore the role of the audience in the spectrum between passive hearing and active listening.
Morten will present four text-based works that all originate from the period of immense global turbulence between March and July 2020. Presented in a mesh of formats the works revolve around Morten’s contemplations on what it means to be an artist, citizen and activist in these times and what coming to terms with one’s own identity and responsibility could be like.
Website: www.morten-poulsen.dk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/outrovaert
Instagram: www.instagram.com/mortenpoulsendk
Excelsior is the solo alias of composer, producer and musician Anja T. Lahrmann. In a sparse and more acoustic setting than previously she will present new songs channeling feelings of escapism, kinaesthetic presence, visions of the future and languages not yet articulated.
Joel Henryson – Bass
Simon Brinck – Guitar
Anja T. Lahrmann – Piano, vocals, electronics
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/32Q9KVB
Bandcamp: https://bit.ly/2CvJCVt
Mads Kinnerup
Hvornår er en lyd et beat? Og hvad konstituerer en melodi? Hvad sker der med musik, hvis det,
ligesom vand, skifter mellem forskellige tilstandsformer? Med udgangspunkt i begrebet ”morphing” udforsker Mads Kinnerup overgangen mellem melodi og perkussive lyde og forsøger med syntetisk klang at udviske grænserne for traditionelle instrumenteringer.
Mads Kinnerup arbejder med musik med flere lag, der tilsammen udgør en færdig komposition. Gennem programmering af analoge sequencer-systemer skabes musik, der kun er spillet af én meget kompleks lyd. Denne ene lyd kan skifte mellem, og antage form af, både perkussion, bas, akkordinstrument og melodisk instrument. I en livekoncert arbejder Mads Kinnerup med modularsynthesizer som et udgangspunkt for improvisation, hvor samtlige elementer i musikken er improviseret.
Julieta Rod
Argentinian singer Julieta Rod and songwriter Yasmin Cevik are presenting a new collaboration. Julieta Rod will be performing new scandinavian/latin pop songs written by Yasmin. The songs will be presented for the first time at Alice and will be played in a simple setup. Julieta started as an artist in Córdoba, Argentina where she also recorded her first solo album. Now she’s in Europe, working on her new music. Julieta Rod is bringing her Argentinian roots and intimate voice into Yasmin’s pop songs, that combine both a scandinavian and a latin sound, mixing Spanish and English lyrics.
Der er et begrænset antal pladser til hver koncert på grund af retningslinjerne for spillesteder som følge af situationen med Covid-19.
Der vil kun være siddepladser. Det er ikke muligt at forhåndsreservere.
Koncertsalen skal rengøres imellem hver koncert, så publikum skal forlade salen.
Det er ikke muligt at holde baren åben for ølsalg, men der vil være vand til alle gæster.
There is a limited number of seats due to the guidelines for reopening cultural events during the Covid-19 situation.
Seated audience only. It is not possible to book a seat in advance.
The concert hall has to be cleaned between each concert, and the audience will be asked to step outside.
It is not possible to keep the bar open for beer sale, but there will be water for the audience