Onsdag _26.08.20

RMC på ALICE: hypersense freddy, J Emanuel, J Parts


Oplev spændende musikere fra Københavns talentmasse, når Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium (RMC) inviterer til gratis 1. års-kandidatkoncerter på ALICE. OBS: Koncerten er gratis og det er ikke muligt at reservere plads. Der er et begrænset antal pladser til hver koncert på grund af retningslinjerne for spillesteder som følge af situationen med Covid-19.

hypersense freddy
Nearly every night I spend in a super vivid, fantastic dreamland. Jumping through dimensions, breathing underwater, exploring outer space, walking into a song…
Sharing a glimpse of this world, translating a little bit of it into something perceivable to others, is one part of my creativity. At other times I write and sing about topics like psychological violence, navigating through our society as a highly sensitive person, anxieties or surviving and healing traumas.
I don’t want to restrict my creativity to one sound. If a song needs a raw and intimate solo performance I do that. If it comes from this vivid dreamland it might need a more sculptured, electronic sound.
This evening I will be presenting recorded music plus videos. There will also be a small solo live performance.

Johanna Weckesser – Guitar, voice, synth, production/recording

Jonas Emanuel
Jonas Emanuel er sangskriver, sanger og komponist fra København.
Hans sange tager udgangspunkt i det danske sprog, hvor han udfolder et nært og vedkommende
univers, der sætter fokus på teksten og insisterer på at bevæge sig i de tætte og personlige rum.
Hans stemme har en sårbarhed og intimitet i sin relation til lytteren, og den sætter teksterne i en
bærende rolle i sangskrivningen. De afspejler, i simple kulisser som for eksempel en lejlighed eller en park, hans relation til hverdagen og mennesker omkring ham.

Judith Parts
Judith Parts is a composer, producer, violin player and singer from Estonia, currently based in Copenhagen. Her music combines acoustic instruments with electronics and field recordings, often incorporating the violin and her voice.
Growing up in Estonia, Judith was surrounded by forest, the sea, clean air and water. Utilizing the beauty found in the natural world of Estonia to inform her music, Judith has a particular interest in the connection and dissonance we humans have with nature.
In this concert she will perform her latest music that she has written while living in Copenhagen.

Judith Parts – Vocals, violin, electronics
Clara Vetter – Piano
Susana Nunes – Vocals, electronics
João Neves – Vocals, electronics

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/judithpartsmusic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/judithparts
Website: https://www.judithparts.com/
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/judithparts

Der er et begrænset antal pladser til hver koncert på grund af retningslinjerne for spillesteder som følge af situationen med Covid-19.

Der vil kun være siddepladser. Det er ikke muligt at forhåndsreservere.

Koncertsalen skal rengøres imellem hver koncert, så publikum skal forlade salen.

Det er ikke muligt at holde baren åben for ølsalg, men der vil være vand til alle gæster.

There is a limited number of seats due to the guidelines for reopening cultural events during the Covid-19 situation.

Seated audience only. It is not possible to book a seat in advance.

The concert hall has to be cleaned between each concert, and the audience will be asked to step outside.

It is not possible to keep the bar open for beer sale, but there will be water for the audience.

Onsdag _26.08.20
Dørene åbner kl: 18:30
Koncerten starter kl: 19:00
Pris: 0 DKK + gebyr