Wednesday _23.10.24160 DKK + fee

The Body & Dis Fig US/DE

A massive synthesis of a collaboration between two trailblazers of extreme music

The boundary-pushing metal duo The Body and the defiant electronic artist Dis Fig have come together in a massive synthesis of a collaboration, where extreme metal, dark electronic music, and soaring vocals have fused into the crushingly beautiful and critically acclaimed album “Orchards of a Futile Heaven” (Thrill Jockey, 2024). In October, we have the honor of presenting them at ALICE.

The collaboration between The Body and Dis Fig is nothing less than a match made in heaven within extreme music. Dis Fig, aka Felicia Chen, pushes electronic music into dark extremes, from warped DJ sets to avant-garde productions. She has been a member of Tianzhuo Chen’s performance art series TRANCE and a vocalist with The Bug, who is also featured at ALICE. The experimental metal duo The Body has spent the last two decades challenging every conventional conception of metal, combining sludgy riffs with searing electronics and booming beats. They have collaborated with countless artists, from BIG|BRAVE to Thou.

The debut album from The Body and Dis Fig, “Orchards of a Futile Heaven,” was released this year on the iconic Thrill Jockey. The album is as heavy as it is ear-splitting, yet it made critics raise their arms in praise, earning 5/6 stars from The Guardian. Through seven intense tracks, the veil between electronic music and extreme metal is pierced, layering Felicia Chen’s soaring vocals over piercing drones, earth-shaking rhythms, and abrasive textures. The Body and Dis Fig’s live show is notorious for being loud but crushingly beautiful, so we can’t wait to present them at ALICE this October.

Said about “Orchards of a Futile Heaven”

“Rippling synthesizers beam out like searchlights scanning the horizon, slowly coalescing into strafing melody and staggered rhythms, with Dis Fig’s vocal vapor trails floating weightless above The Body’s obliterated howls and blasted electronics.”  – Custom Made Music

Wednesday _23.10.24
Doors at: 19:00
Concert at: 20:00
Price: 160 DKK + fee
Buy ticket160 DKK